
Saturday, March 24, 2007

Guff Gaff

Do not ask God why he has given you a forgetful mind because there are some things, which are better to forget.
A smile costs nothing but gives much; it enriches those who receive without making poorer those who give
Education is the input that discloses the concealed life.
Life is a short play. Execute it properly. Everyone will appreciate you.
A balance does not measure the aptitude of an individual.
Education is to serve not to gulp.
A good guideline in life leads to success.
Better to use 'we and our' than ' me and mine'.
Listen to your soul's voice; it is the mightiest.
Utilize your time as much as you can when it is in your hand.
Always do your works without the assessment of the dead past and indecisive future.
Take your act as your consent.

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