
Sunday, March 4, 2007

Child Rights

As the day begins with the rise of the sun, the world also begins with the birth of a child. Thus, children are the world makers. They are the future leaders and the glory of the nation. The future of the world depends on the future of the children. They are the ones who lead the country in the path of progress and prosperity. Therefore, they need good environment from childhood. They require the atmosphere of reconciliation. A house without a child is just like a classroom without a board. Then a great question arises- how does a child come to street and become a street child? This question may arise in the mind of many people but it soon is dissolved because none of the people yet have been able to solve this problem.

Not all the children of the world get favorable environment for their proper growth and development. Being depressed by family members, household, financial problems and many other reasons including excitement of leading the city life, they are forced to live a life of misery and poverty. Thus, they come to street and become street children. Some of them may turn to drug addicts or are indulged in child labour. In the context of our country, there are many such instances. Every year many children (mostly from Terai) run to India in the hope of getting employment and earning a lot. Out of them many are sold to circus. Some of them may turn to prostitution. Many children under 14 are exploited as slave in the name of servant where they are compelled to live a life of misery and harassment.

Universal Children's day is celebrated every 20th of November. This encourages children and they feel a kind of responsibility towards the nation. So, we must extend different kinds of programs for the welfare of the children and to bring familiarity on them. Recently Sinamangal has been recognized as 'Free from Child Labour'. This is also an example of a pace towards the progress and prosperity of the nation.
For the upliftment of children, we must eliminate child exploitation by making protocol rules and providing moral education to the families. If we can bring good impact on the children, they become men of character in future. The children are like the pots of the potters and may be shaped as we wish. That's why, let's echo the whole world with our tender voice that should convey the message, 'Protect the children and safeguard their rights'.

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